RSA Identity Day Customers Session

  Tuesday August 27th 2024, 9:30am – 12:30pm

 Sheraton Grand Hotel, 161 Elizabeth Street, Sydney NSW 2000

Join us for RSA Identity Day!

This year we will be at the Location: Sheraton Grand Hotel, 161 Elizabeth Street, Sydney NSW 2000 on Tuesday the 27th of August from 9:30am to 1:30pm. Come meet our team of subject matter experts as we discuss the latest trends and innovations in identity security, share best practices for mitigating risk and ideas for helping organisations to scale quickly for compliance.

Seats are strictly limited, register now to reserve your seat.

Please review the agenda below to learn more.


Time Title Presentation Overview
0930 - 1000 Guest Registration  
1000 - 1015 Welcome and Introduction Introduction and Welcome to RSA Identity Day
1015 - 1100 AI in Cybersecurity: One Year On, What's Changed? It’s been a bit over a year since the release of generative AI and RSA has been watching closely, join us as we review this year long journey through cybersecurity, examining the challenges (and the solutions) resulting from the use and misuse of Artificial Intelligence and how the adoption of AI can support organisations to mitigate risk and strengthen their security practices.
1100 - 1130 Getting Hacked!; its not a matter of "If..." As the cyber landscape evolves and new threats are introduced governments and organisations around the world react. Often this means getting compliant quick. Learn how RSA supports enterprise to adopt best practice compliance capabilities while addressing the IT skills gap 
1130 - 1200 Enhanced Cyber Resiliency Through Diversity It is human nature to "stick with what you know" and often we meet many customers who have put all their eggs in one basket. This session discusses why adopting a diversified cybersecurity strategy helps to make your organisation not only more secure but more resilient.
1200 - 1230 Getting compliant quick! - meeting fast moving
compliance and regulatory needs
As the cyber landscape evolves and new threats are introduced governments and organisations around the world react. Often this means getting compliant quick. Learn how RSA supports enterprise to adopt best practice compliance capabilities while addressing the IT skills gap 
1230 - 1330 RSA Hosted Networking Lunch Join us for a RSA hosted networking lunch where you can meet your peers and network with RSA subject matter experts

Register Now!

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